Checking account: itharagaian
Account itharagaian found.

O P E N    Y O U R    C O L L E C T I O N

> > >    M A R K E T    V A L U E

> > >    C A R D    L I S T

You are referred by ignet and will launch closer to their group.
This will give you better protection and more immediate supplies.

Special GiftDelivery Status
Boosters thanks to ignetRECEIVED
Epic Character thanks to ignetNot yet, or not eligible yet

If you own shares, you will be able to declare or change your affiliation to an OWNER GROUP at any time.
This feature is being developed and will be added to this page.

Declaring an Owner Group will add the shares owned by people of the same group to your current shares,
for the purpose of unlocking more ownership features such as:
special projects, sponsored crates, branding and votes in station governance.

Shares on Contents and FeaturesCorporation or Player GroupQuantityTotal value (end presale)
(no share owned)------

Profit earned from sharesSourceUnitsTotal value
(no share owned)------

Unopened Packs in your collectionQuantityTotal value (end presale)
(none found)

Amount paid:

144.00 USD

Amount saved thanks to discounts:

36 USD

Current store value:

180.00 USD

Store Value60 USD0 USD150 USD

Total market value (at lowest listed):

Unopened Packs:
0.00 USD

Single cards:
138.84 USD

138.84 USD

Note: cards listed above 999 USD have been voluntarily ignored from this calculation.
This amount is to be considered as an indication only.

Single cards value especially is added thanks to latest purchases recorded and does not determine real liquidity.

If assets are missing it may be because the server is processing orders.
It should appear in the next minutes.

If it does not and you think it is a problem, please check our Discord:
Join our Discord (channel #payment-support)

Mention your account name and details of your order if possible (amount, date/hour/minute, etc).
We will do a manual investigation (we are available at EU times, daytime and +).

All community gifts and referral bonuses will be sent as well, separately, in the next days.